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JEC 2024

Junior European Cup – JEC 2024

26.-29. September 2024

Venue: Vienna, Austria

JEC Program (preliminary)

  • Thursday, 26. September 2024: Model Event
  • Friday, 27. September 2024: Sprint
  • Saturday, 28. September 2024: Middle Distance, Forest
  • Sunday, 29. September 2024: Relay, Forest

Accomodation and catering will be provided in Vienna

Transport to the start areas: It is possible to use public transport services. If there ist no public transport, shuttle services will be provided.

Entries and entry fees


Competition formats:


Classes: W18, W20, M18, M20
Maximum 6 competitors per nation in each class

Middle Distance

Classes: W18, W20, M18, M20
Maximum 6 competitors per nation in each class


Classes: W20, M20
3 competitors per team in each class, maximum 4 teams per nation in each class

Competition Rules

The most recent Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events apply.

Punching System

SPORTident SI-Air (SIAC) will be used.
Teams are expected to bring der own SPORTident chips. SPORTident chips can also be rented from the organization.
