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Coaches Conference Day 2 (FIN, HUN, FRA)

Faak am See
Faak am See

Day 2 of the Coaches Conference covered the nations Finland, Hungary, France and Denmark. Besides the presenations of the coaches which are reported below, interesting discussions and conversations complete the success of the Coaches Conference. All reports and summaries of the conference can be found here.

Der zweite Tag der Coaches Conference brachte weitere spannende Vorträge und Diskussionen der Länder Finnland, Ungarn, Frankreich und Dänemark. Aber nicht nur die Präsentationen der Coaches selbst, sondern insbesondere auch der zwischenzeitliche und informelle Austausch zwischen den internationalen Expert:innen sind sehr wertvoll. Alle Berichte und Zusammenfassungen der Konferenz sind hier zu finden.


Today the presentations of the 3rd coaches conference started with Finland represented by

  • Petteri Kähäri, sports manager
  • Miia Niittynen, sports coordinator
  • Thierry Gueorgiou, headcoach

First, Petteri Kähäri gave us a general overview of the finish orienteering situation. The amount of the orienteerers in Finland is amazing. About 60.000 people are practicing orienteering and of those there are about 10.000 licensed orienteerers splitted up over 300 clubs. In addition to that, every year a big amount of competitions in all areas of Finland are held. Read more here.


Hungary has got really good results at the last years at EYOC and JWOC, but the seniors’ performance is still not as good as the juniors’. The already 53-year-old Hungarian Orienteering Federation had organised major events in the last years and will also organise some in the next years. The main goal is now to have a nice WOC in 2027, with good results of the Hungarian team, build up on the great results of the youth nowadays. Read more here.


Charly Boichut‘s presentation offered interesting insights not only into French orienteering, but also the French culture as it brings along some specific strengths and challenges for sports and orienteering. France has a very patriarchal culture which exerts a lot of pressure on girls (family, studies, work). As a result, it‘s much harder for them to focus on sports the same way boys can. In their U18 team they established a quota of 10 male and 10 female athletes about 15 years ago. While it was sometimes problematic in the beginning as the level of the selected girls was much lower than that of the selected boys, it has changed over time and now they are equal or it‘s even the other way round! Read more here.


Will be published in tomorrow’s report.

The Thursday’s program includes the presentation of Great Britain, a discussion and a practical session.

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10. August 2023